Thursday 11 April 2013

Where To Start? Right Here!

My name is Rianna Viggiano and I am not going to University.
Whether you're in year 12 and being pushed to choose your next step after sixth form  or you're in year 11 and deciding which A Levels to take in order to prepare you for the future, or you just want to explore your other options I am here to share my experience with you and maybe even give you some advice.
At the moment, I am in year 13 and I have just 4 weeks left until I jump into the world of work; in other words the "real world." Having been to a Grammar school and attended their sixth form, I felt as though I had no other option but to go to university. There was no help or guidance for those students who weren't sure of their next move, until quite recently where my school's attempt at helping us was very half-hearted. Luckily, most of us had already begun to plan the next stage of our lives.
For those of you experiencing something similar, I am here to tell you that UNIVERSITY IS NOT YOUR ONLY OPTION, THERE ARE OTHER WAYS OF GETTING INTO YOUR DESIRED PROFESSION (apart from if you want to go in to medicine etc.)
Obviously, I don't want to put down university; it is great experience and as long as you use your time correctly, you'll gain qualifications as well as life experience to help you when you eventually get into the real world.

Here are some reasons why people choose not to go into higher-education:

  • They think they'll be in debt forever (See finances post)
  • They would rather learn by doing than learn from a text book
  • Their career needs a greater amount of work experience compared to education
  • They wish to take a gap year 
  • They've had enough of learning
  • They want to start earning
  • They think they're not ready to leave home
  • They're doing a long distance learning course, like the Open University
  • Are confident in another way into their preferred profession, like a level 3 qualification from a college (equal to an A Level)
  • They're not sure of what they want to do well as many others. 
So having read those, if you were unsure of what to do, you can imagine the alternatives to university. 
People often feel as though they're looked down on in not going to University, especially if you're at a Grammar school, or come from a family, but not everyone goes to university  and not going is nothing to be ashamed of. At least you're not going for the wrong reasons, and like some, you wont end up wasting your time, qualification and money on doing something for three years which you're not interested in and don't make the most out of.

  1. The first thing you need to do, is ask yourself why it is that you don't want to go to university.
  2. Next, you must figure out what it is that you want to do with your life. You don't need a rigid plan, but you must have a goal.
  3. Research your field of interest, there's no point picking a career out of the air, just to shut everyone up. At the same time, even if you think you know everything about your desired career, there's no harm in researching it just that bit more.
  4. Find out how to go about getting into your career without a degree. It may require work experience or a different kind of qualification.
  5. Do what it is you need to do! Nothing will be handed to you on a plate. You need to do the work. You'll be competing with people who have just come out of university; why will the employer pick you over someone else? What sets you apart from the other candidate?

Keep it here to find out more about not going to university.


  1. Love the blog really sound advice, its such a shame that some schools don't put same emphasis on the alternatives as they do on uni so students can make a properly informed decision. Great work Rianna, Look forward to hearing more about your journey.

  2. Thanks very much foe your comments, just trying to help and maybe comfort those who are going through the same thing I have.
