Wednesday 23 April 2014

I've done it- YOU definitely CAN do it

Dear all,
I am living, breathing (blogging) proof that you do not need university to do well in life.
Everything has come up trumps for me, and if you work hard, stay focused and have a goal (as I keep banging on about) you can too!
I'm so happy and proud of myself that I want to scream and shout about it! But I am a writer and a digital marketeer, so I'll blog about it, and hopefully inspire and encourage other people.
So turn back six months to October when I was feeling very down and defeated having applied for an inordinate number of things which for what ever reason didn't work out. To name a few a journalism apprenticeship at The Independent, a marketing internship, 103942 admin roles, 1948421 internships, a digital journalism apprenticeship (which was to cost ME £5000)  and a digital media college course at Lambeth College (I also did a few bits for
I was at a loss and was applying for things I knew very well I didn't want to do.
Then, by a stroke of luck I came accross Arch Apprenticeships. (If you want a career in digital/IT/admin/business/PR check them out. Now. In fact stop reading this a check them out. Seriously. Now)
It was 12am on a Tuesday night and I sat and applied for every digital marketing apprenticeship role they had (all 32 of them)
The next day I had a phone interview and I was then invited to an assessment day. Following the assessment day I attended a week's induction to digital marketing. At the end of the course I had three interviews set up for the following week.
I only went to one of the interviews, it was for the company (their name shall remain anon) I really wanted. I got it.
If you read my next post, you'll find out what went on between then and now, and I'll give some info about Arch but fast forward to the present day, I- me- Rianna Viggiano, I now work at THE GUARDIAN. (#toopresteigeforyou) Let's have a moment of silence for how beautiful that sounds.
Digital Marketing for  Guardian Soulmates. Almost two months I've been there now and I've loved every second of it. My contract will terminate in February 2015 but I've already had two job offers for when I finish via LinkedIn (if you don't have an account, get one now)
This is why I am so elated! I want to tell everyone that looked down on me for not opting to go to uni, all my teachers, friends, everyone!
Of course, it is very early days and it's only the beginning, but I have a very good feeling that this will start off the rest of my wonderful life!
Ri x
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