Thursday 15 August 2013

Results Day!

Over the last few days, all around the UK, 18 year-olds have been shaking nervously, anticipating that first view of the rest of their lives; their A Level results.
For so many, results are the be all and more often than not, the end all too. Thankfully, as I'm not going to university, I don't have that mentality.
 Having said that, I was disappointed when I opened up my brown envelope this morning and saw B, B, C, E; of course, anyone wants to do well in their A Levels regardless of their plans for the years ahead.
Although, after I had some time to think about it, I decided that I was satisfied with my results, if not happy! Whilst I might not be as bright as other people, I know that I tried my best and I got decent grades. I still have my 4 A level- which is more than some people can say. And it wasn't easy. 
Sixthform was bloody difficult! Everyone talks about "the jump from GCSE to A Level" but you never realise that it's in fact more of a giant leap! I think that I learnt more French in my first term of year 12 than I did from year 7 to year 11! 
There was so much information crammed into the space of two years- especially in Biology- which I got an E (I clearly didn't take much of that information in) it was difficult to try to retain it all.
That's what I hate about exams in some subjects (like Biology, ICT etc) they just test you on how much you remember and how well you can regurgitate your text book instead of actually how much you understand a subject.
But it's all done now! (Until I hopefully get this apprenticeship, where I will be studying a diploma with the NCTJ which will involve exams)
It now truly is into the real world for me.
Despite the hard work, late nights, 100 page coursework, exams, and all the other less appealing parts of school, sixthform was definitely the best part of my education. Especially year 13. 
I'll miss my classmates, my relationship with teachers, all the banter and the jokes we had between us, all the 18th birthday parties, the practically coming and going from school when I please. It's now all serious.
I am proud of what I've achieved at BGS Sixthform. 

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