Sunday 18 August 2013

When Things Go Wrong

Life isn't perfect and nothing is ever straight forward. Things don't go according to plan and you don't always get what you want.
So what do you when that happens? Sit around moping? Yes, you can for a little while, then you have to pick yourself up and start again. As Aaliyha said "If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again; you can dust it off and try again!"

You might not have got the results you were expecting, might not have got a job you wanted, you might not have got your first choice uni, you might not have got any uni at all. So now it's time to deal with what went wrong and put it right. As I have said in previous posts, there is almost always something that can be done to make it better, but it's down to you. You have to search for the solution, and seek help if and when you need it- you will need it. 

I unfortunately didn't get the apprenticeship at the Evening Standard. As disappointed as I am, I need to continue trying to find something else now. Hopefully I didn't get it for some pre-destined reason and it wasn't right for me or something is else right around the corner which will be better or might be where I meet the man of my dreams-who knows! I'm trying to keep positive! I try to believe that everything happens for a reason and what is meant to be will be, and that somewhere along the road, everything will fall into place. But you have to work hard for it. 

So you didn't get the perfect results or a uni place? What are you going to do? Going over where it went wrong might help for a little while but it's not going to change the situation. Pick yourself up and see if it's possible re-sit your exams. Have a gap year. Go get another qualification to up your UCAS score. Do something else instead of uni. Nothing is going to be easy. Find out what it is you need to do to get to your end goal (in my opinion it's important to have a goal, whether it is short of long term) and do it. 

Don't waste any more time!

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